Graphic Novel Review: I.D. by Emma Rios


Title: I.D.
Author: Emma Rios
Publisher: Diamond Book Distributors
Date: June 28th, 2016
Format: eARC
Source: from Publisher for a review


Synopsis (from Goodreads): A dystopian tale that analyzes the conflict between perception and identity through the struggle of three people who consider a ‘body transplant’ as a solution to their lives.




Going into this story I had no expectations.
Graphic Novels are not what I read on regular basis, so I don’t feel like an expert when it comes to reviewing them, but I still feel like I can  tell what I liked and what I disliked in an acceptable way.

I.D. is a dystopian story told in a format of graphic novel.
I say it is a dystopian because that is what is said in the synopsis, but if you ask me,  I say it is a futuristic story.
You see, there is no „new world order“ (or in case there is, we didn’t have a chance to see it), but the story is set in the future where the technology is so advanced that people can change their body to someone else’s.

I liked how from the scientistic perspective it was described how it is possible to transplate your brain into another body and with the brain your personality, memories and yourself complitely.

The story follows only three characters: Noa, Miguel and Charlotte. They all seemed interesting enough, but yet I wish we got the chance to get to know them better and to get attached to them or just to understand their reasons behid their actions.

The art work is done solidly and I really like how it was all done in red color.

My main problem with this novel is that is was just too short.
80 pages was not enough, and I wish this was not a standalone (or that it was, but only longer) but at least 3 volumes long story in which we’d got to see characters’ lives before they decided to go under the procedure, and how they accustomed to their new bodies and what kind of life they’d live after the surgery.
I feel like most of the story we had to imagine in our heads instead of reading it in this work.

I have to phrase that the part that showed opponents of the exchanging body procedures really impressed me.
Also, I like the open ending but as I already said, I think this would make a better series instead of standalone.


2 thoughts on “Graphic Novel Review: I.D. by Emma Rios”

  1. OOOOH! I don’t usually read Graphic Novels either, but I’ve been dying to try one! It sucks that it was only 80 pages long and that you didn’t get to know the characters well enough. I NEED TO FEEL SOMETHING for my characters to really fall for a book.

    I’ve heard some great things about Nimona by Noelle Stevenson. Have you read it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No, I haven’t read that one, but I also heard good things. The one that is goo in my opinion, and that has some interesting characters you’d feel something for is Morning Glory. I really love that comic series.


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